A “triple play”, point-to-multipoint wireless system capable of providing simultaneously digital TV, high-speed data and voice has been delivered and installed in Izuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.The state-of-the-art system is being operated by V-Networks to provide triple play services to remote stations at distances of up to 5 Kms from the Main Base station.
According to an article in Denpa Shinbun (Electric wave Newspaper) on May 14th 2007, the system installation and operation is the result of a collaboration between NetOne Systems, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kinki University, Nitsuki, HTK and V-Network Systems.
This system will be operated on a trial basis for three types of service: Retransmission of DTV (Digital Terrestrial Television), with broadcast signals from RKB/Fukuoka. Transmission of independent video content. Internet Access and Data Communications Services.
The system trial was well received by Mayor Saito of Iizuka city, who said that, “This city needs new industry creation. We are very happy that the trial has started in this city. I expect with interest the full deployment of the system.”
Following the Izuka City trial, other Pilot installations are being planned in different areas of Japan such as Tohoku and Hokkaido.
Developed by The Dhwalin