Frequency-translating MMDS Repeaters from Cable AML were installed by the Caribbean Broad-casting Corporation in Barbados to mitigate interference between adjacent overlapping repeater cells within the service area of the digi-tal MMDS system operating in the Island.
When the coverage area of adjacent repeaters overlaps, interference between repeater cells can present problems. Digital MMDS systems have less tolerance than analog systems for this type of same-frequency interference, so Maurice Bailey of CBC devised a frequency-shift scheme to eliminate interference by alternating the 9-carrier spectrum between adjacent repeaters. The subscriber set-tops are channel-mapped to select the appropriate channels in each repeater area and to ignore the undesired carriers.
Cable AML has provided CBC with several frequency-translating broadband repeaters to implement this solution in all areas where there is suspected overlap between repeater cells.
Developed by The Dhwalin