A broadband, high-power AML transmitter has been delivered to a cable system to replace an older, channelized unit that provided service for many years to an isolated island community in the US.
The new transmitter will make it possible to provide any mix of analog and digital channels, thus allowing additional channels and digital service upgrades without hardware changes. It operates over a 13 mile (21 Kilometer) link feeding a broadband active repeater. The combined transmitter-repeater link spans a distance of over 20 miles (32 Kilometers).
The ITX-1300S is Cable AML’s highest power transmitter operating in the 12.7 to 13.2 GHz CARS (Community Antenna Relay Service) band. It replaces a large room full of Hughes channelized STX-141 transmitters, each of which was designed to transmit only one analog VSBAM channel. The ITX-1300S incorporates solid state GaAs FET power amplifiers with built-in redundancy and a state-of-the-art dual feed-forward control loop. It is designed to power high-reliability links operating at full capacity over difficult propagation environments.
Developed by The Dhwalin